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The Cut-Off date for our April Meeting is

15 March 2020

Am I Eligible?

We accept applications from the following:

  • Registered Charities
  • Incorporated Societies
  • Entities affiliated with a Local, Regional or National Organisation
  • Organisations listed on a National Register
  • Educational Institutions
  • Marae

If your organisation meets one of the above criteria, you can apply for funding by registering on our Grants Portal (Online Grants System).

Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.if you are unsure if your organisation meets the above criteria, or require further information.

Lest we forget

icon poppy

When you go home tell them of us and say for your tomorrow we gave our today.

Kia Ora Bonjour Bula Ciao Chao ban Dobrý den! G'Day Goeie Dag Guten Tag Hallo Hola Howzit Konnichiwa iHola! Molo Marhaban Merhaba Namasté Ni Hao Ola Om Swastiastu Salaam Sawubona Susaday Sveiki Talofa Yassou zdrAstvuy

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